Specialisation in anatomy
University of Thrace, Andrinople (Turkey)
Hospital doctor
Hôpital de Moutier
Beausite 49
2740 Moutier
Centre ambulatoire de Bienne et Moutier
Specialisation in anatomy
University of Thrace, Andrinople (Turkey)
Specialisation in neurosurgery
University of Pecs (Hungary)
Medical studies
University of Thrace, Andrinople (Turkey)
Taşkınalp O., Akdere H., Açıkalın H. "Anatomical characteristic of the acromion." Journal of Morphology 9(1), 22-23, 2002.
Taşkınalp O., Pekindil G., Yaprak M., Açıkalın H.:"Internal diameters of the vertebral canal in Turkish men and women." Third Symposium of Clinical Anatomy, Varna - Bulgaria, October 9-11, 1998. (Internal Diameters of Vertebral Canal in Adult Healty Turkish Men and Women. Symposium Tertium Anatomial Clinacae, Varna, Bulgaria, 9-11 October 1998)
Doctoral thesis: "Investigation of Lumbal Vertebral Canal and Some Parameters of Vertebrae" by Computed Tomography Method, 08.02.1996
Açıkalın H., Taşkınalp O.: "Some nose measurements in medical students." III. National Congress of Anatomy, İzmir, September 22-25, 1995.
Açıkalın H., Terzi T., Taşkınalp O.: " Comparison of some knee and ankle joint movements in right-handed individuals with the inclinometry method." II. National Congress of Anatomy, Adana, September 22-25, 1993.
Doctor in Psychiatry
Jura Hospital
Doctor in Psychiatry
SPJBB, Bellelay, Psychiatric Hospital
Medical practitioner
Emergency medicine
Afyon State Hospital (Turkey)